Your Renewable Energy World

Rhode Island
SubjectGrade LevelsBroad Standard ReferenceSpecific Standard CodeSpecific Standard NameSpecific Wording of Standard
ELA3Reading Informational TextRI.7Integration of Knowledge and IdeasUse information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words, numbers, and symbols in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text.
NGSS3Earth and Space Sciences3-ESS3-1Earth and Human ActivityMake a claim about the merit of a design solution that reduces the impacts of a weather-related hazard.
NGSS4Earth and Space Sciences4-ESS3-1Earth and Human ActivityObtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and their uses affect the environment.
NGSS4Earth and Space Sciences4-ESS3-2Earth and Human ActivityGenerate and compare multiple solutions to reduce the impacts of natural Earth processes on humans.
NGSS4Physical Science4-PS3-2EnergyMake observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents.
NGSS4Physical Science4-PS3-4EnergyApply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy from one form to another.
NGSS5Earth and Space Sciences5-ESS3-1Earth and Human ActivityObtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth's resources and environment.
NGSS5Physical Science5-PS1-3Structure and Properties of MatterMake observations and measurements to identify materials based on their properties.
NGSS6-8Earth and Space SciencesMS-ESS3-3Earth and Human ActivityApply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment.